

2021 PCF PEC Survey Quality Assurance Plan Due TODAY
folder_openQuality Assurance Plancalendar_todayPosted April 16, 2021

All conditionally approved survey vendors for the Primary Care First (PCF) Patient Experience of Care (PEC) Survey must submit a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) by today, April 16th.

The QAP serves as a guide for survey vendors as they develop their procedures and materials for implementing and complying with the PCF PECS Vendor Quality Assurance Guide.

Vendors must log-in to the PCF PECS web portal to submit QAPs using the "Submit Quality Assurance Plan" page under the "Vendors" tab. The PCF PECS Team will review QAPs by April 30th. If further clarification is needed, the PECS Team will work with the survey vendors to obtain the necessary information.

The vendor’s QAP should include the sections listed below. The requirements for these sections are detailed in the PCF PECS Vendor Model Quality Assurance Plan Outline

  • Organization Background and Staff Experience
  • Work Plan
  • Survey Implementation Plan
  • Data Security, Confidentiality, and Privacy Plan
  • Questionnaire and Materials Attachments

Each vendor will receive final approval as a PCF PECS vendor after its QAP has been reviewed and approved by the PCF PECS Team.

Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PECS Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-997-2715.