

Returning Survey Vendors: 2024 PCF PEC Survey Updated Quality Assurance Plan Materials Due June 21
folder_openQuality Assurance Plancalendar_todayPosted June 7, 2024

Returning PCF PEC Survey vendors must submit an updated Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with completed templates of mail and telephone survey materials by Friday, June 21, 2024, by 7:59 PM ET. For returning survey vendors, only materials with changes for PY 2024 need to be submitted.

As a reminder, survey vendors may submit an Exceptions Request Form (ERF) to reduce the estimated survey administration time in the survey cover letters and CATI telephone scripts. Please see the Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG) Section for more information. ERFs must be approved before updated materials are submitted. 

Please refer to the QAG, Section 5.5, for relevant printing and formatting requirements and recommendations. All changes to PY 2024 survey materials are described in the Vendor Update Training, beginning on slide 53. Please note that per QAG Section, the RTI team may require a vendor to submit print proofs before the teaser postcard mailing for review and approval.

  • Templates for the following materials must be supplied. One dummy patient from one practice should appear on all mail templates except for envelopes:
    1. First mailing survey cover letter
    2. First mailing outgoing survey envelope
    3. Second mailing survey cover letter
    4. Second mailing outgoing survey envelope
  • Templates for the following materials must be supplied if the vendor made changes from the PY 2023 version (for example, vendor name, address, toll-free number; formatting):
  1. Teaser postcard
  2. Thank you/Reminder postcard
  3. English mail questionnaire
  4. Spanish mail questionnaire
  5. Survey return envelope
  6. First and second mailing facility envelope
  7. CATI screens (English and Spanish)
  • Other items required to be submitted:
    • Screenshots of the updated INTRO1 screen from the CATI interview (both English and Spanish). A test link may be submitted instead of screenshots.
    • Any additional items not previously submitted with an earlier QAP submission (for example, final disposition codes, CATI no answer rules, final helpdesk voicemail and email auto-reply text).

Please refer to the Model Quality Assurance Plan for more details on the mail template and telephone survey material requirements. If vendors make changes to other portions of their QAP during the mail template and telephone survey material submission, those changes should be highlighted using comments in addition to track changes.

Vendors must log in to the PCF PECS website to submit QAPs using the "Submit Quality Assurance Plan" page under the "Vendors" tab. Instructions on submitting a revised QAP are available here. If submitting your materials via the website is not possible, vendors may submit the survey materials via if all documents are zipped. Note: The use of embedded documents for QAP submissions is prohibited.

If further clarification is needed, the PECS Team will work with the survey vendors to obtain the necessary information. Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PECS Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-997-2715.