


PCF PEC Survey Semiannual Newsletter – July 2024
folder_openPECS Newslettercalendar_todayPosted July 25, 2024

The Primary Care First (PCF) Patient Experience of Care (PEC) Survey Team has published the July 2024 edition of the PCF PEC Survey Semiannual Newsletter. As a reminder, this newsletter is a way to provide survey vendors with helpful PCF PEC Survey information.  

The newsletter is posted on the PCF PEC Survey website and updated every January and July. You can navigate to the July 2024 newsletter located under the General Information tab on the PCF PEC Survey website.  

The newsletter does not replace any source of information currently on the PCF PEC Survey website; instead, it highlights important information for readers. We encourage you to visit the PCF PEC Survey website for more information on the items mentioned in this newsletter. Please continue to monitor the PCF PEC Survey website for updates and announcements. 

Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PEC Survey Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-997-2715. 

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RTI International will be closed on July 4, 2024
folder_openOther Announcementscalendar_todayPosted July 1, 2024

RTI International will be closed on Thursday, July 4, 2024, for the July 4th holiday. The PCF PECS Team will respond to email and telephone inquiries that are received on this date after RTI re-opens on July 5, 2024.  

Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PECS Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-997-2715. 

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Returning Survey Vendors: 2024 PCF PEC Survey Updated Quality Assurance Plan Materials Due June 21
folder_openQuality Assurance Plancalendar_todayPosted June 7, 2024

Returning PCF PEC Survey vendors must submit an updated Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) with completed templates of mail and telephone survey materials by Friday, June 21, 2024, by 7:59 PM ET. For returning survey vendors, only materials with changes for PY 2024 need to be submitted.

As a reminder, survey vendors may submit an Exceptions Request Form (ERF) to reduce the estimated survey administration time in the survey cover letters and CATI telephone scripts. Please see the Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG) Section for more information. ERFs must be approved before updated materials are submitted. 

Please refer to the QAG, Section 5.5, for relevant printing and formatting requirements and recommendations. All changes to PY 2024 survey materials are described in the Vendor Update Training, beginning on slide 53. Please note that per QAG Section, the RTI team may require a vendor to submit print proofs before the teaser postcard mailing for review and approval.

  • Templates for the following materials must be supplied. One dummy patient from one practice should appear on all mail templates except for envelopes:
    1. First mailing survey cover letter
    2. First mailing outgoing survey envelope
    3. Second mailing survey cover letter
    4. Second mailing outgoing survey envelope
  • Templates for the following materials must be supplied if the vendor made changes from the PY 2023 version (for example, vendor name, address, toll-free number; formatting):
  1. Teaser postcard
  2. Thank you/Reminder postcard
  3. English mail questionnaire
  4. Spanish mail questionnaire
  5. Survey return envelope
  6. First and second mailing facility envelope
  7. CATI screens (English and Spanish)
  • Other items required to be submitted:
    • Screenshots of the updated INTRO1 screen from the CATI interview (both English and Spanish). A test link may be submitted instead of screenshots.
    • Any additional items not previously submitted with an earlier QAP submission (for example, final disposition codes, CATI no answer rules, final helpdesk voicemail and email auto-reply text).

Please refer to the Model Quality Assurance Plan for more details on the mail template and telephone survey material requirements. If vendors make changes to other portions of their QAP during the mail template and telephone survey material submission, those changes should be highlighted using comments in addition to track changes.

Vendors must log in to the PCF PECS website to submit QAPs using the "Submit Quality Assurance Plan" page under the "Vendors" tab. Instructions on submitting a revised QAP are available here. If submitting your materials via the website is not possible, vendors may submit the survey materials via if all documents are zipped. Note: The use of embedded documents for QAP submissions is prohibited.

If further clarification is needed, the PECS Team will work with the survey vendors to obtain the necessary information. Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PECS Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-997-2715.

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Deadline Reminder: Practices Have 2 Weeks Left to Authorize a PCF PEC Survey Vendor
folder_openOther Announcementscalendar_todayPosted May 31, 2024

The PCF PEC Survey vendor authorization window closes on June 14, 2024. Practices have two weeks left to authorize a survey vendor. Note that the authorization window is two weeks shorter than it was last year.

If a practice is using the same survey vendor that administered their PY 2023 PEC Survey, they will not need to update the online vendor authorization form. However, a practice will need to submit an updated vendor authorization form on the PEC Survey website if either of the following apply:

  • A practice is participating in the PCF PEC Survey for the first time in PY 2024; or
  • A practice is switching to a different survey vendor to administer the PY 2024 PCF PEC Survey.

The list of fully approved PCF vendors is available to practices on the PCF PEC Survey web portal and on PCF Connect.

Step-by-step instructions are available for practices on the PEC Survey website at the links below: 

Please note: Authorizing a vendor on the PCF PEC Survey website is a separate step that practices must take AFTER entering a formal written contract and signing a Business Associate Agreement with an approved PCF PEC Survey vendor. 

Conditionally Approved and Fully Approved Vendors that do not obtain a contract with at least one practice site for that Performance Year’s survey fielding cycle will lose their approved vendor status. If a vendor wishes to reinstate approval after it is removed, the vendor will need to reapply and meet all vendor requirements

Please direct any practices with questions about this process to PCF Support via email at, or by phone at 1-888-517-7753. 

Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PEC Survey Team via email at or call 1-833-997-2715. 

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RTI International will be closed on May 27th, 2024
folder_openOther Announcementscalendar_todayPosted May 20, 2024

RTI International will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024, for the Memorial Day holiday. The PCF PECS Team will respond to email and telephone inquiries received on this date after RTI re-opens on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.  

Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PECS Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-997-2715. 

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Increase Patient Participation in the PCF PEC Survey
folder_openOther Announcementscalendar_todayPosted March 29, 2024

By using the resources provided below and taking a few important steps, practices can increase patients' awareness of the PCF PEC Survey and subsequently increase participation. 

Display PEC Survey Poster 
Practices are asked to display at least one PCF PEC Survey poster in a highly visible area of their practice beginning March 1. The poster lists important PEC Survey information in 12 languages and has space to include the practice’s survey vendor’s contact information. Small and large versions of the poster are available on PCF Connect. (The small version can also be used as a handout.) Please note, no changes were made to the poster from last year. 

Print and Distribute PEC Survey FAQs 
Also starting March 1, practices should print and distribute the updated PY 2024 PEC Survey FAQs, available in both English and Spanish on PCF Connect. Space is available to include the practice’s survey vendor’s contact information. 

Answer Patient Questions and Express Support for the PEC Survey 
Practice staff should be aware of the PEC Survey so they can confidently reassure patients the survey is legitimate and confidential. Refer to this resource for important guidelines about communicating with patients about the survey. 

The poster and FAQs are also available on the PEC Survey website at the links below: 

Vendors should share their Help Desk telephone number and email address with their practice clients as soon as they are operational. Please also communicate to your client practices the importance of these resources and how they can help increase response rates and patient representation. 

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DUE TODAY: PY 2024 PCF PEC Survey Quality Assurance Plan Deadline for New Survey Vendors
folder_openQuality Assurance Plancalendar_todayPosted March 22, 2024

The deadline for new PCF PEC Survey Vendors to submit their PY 2024 Quality Assurance Plan is TODAY, March 22, 2024 by 7:59 PM ET.

Vendors must log-in to the PCF PEC Survey web portal to submit QAPs using the "Submit Quality Assurance Plan" page under the "Vendors" tab. Step-by-step instructions are available in a Quick Link on the website. The PCF PEC Survey Team will review QAPs. If further clarification is needed, the PEC Survey Team will work with the survey vendors to obtain the necessary information.

The vendor’s QAP should include the sections listed below. The requirements for these sections are detailed in the PCF PEC Survey Vendor Model QAP Outline.

  • Organization Background and Staff Experience
  • PCF PEC Survey Work Plan
  • PCF PEC Survey Implementation Plan
  • Data Security, Confidentiality, Privacy Plan, and Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Questionnaire and Materials Attachments

Please note: This outline has been updated for PY 2024; a table highlighting key updates can be found on page 2. Only QAPs that follow this outline will be considered for approval. The vendor’s approach to each section should be organized within the body of the QAP itself with any supporting information included in an appendix as needed. The use of embedded documents within the QAP is prohibited.

The QAP must be updated and submitted annually, and any time the vendor changes PCF PEC Survey personnel, capabilities, or systems used to administer the PCF PEC Survey. Remember that you must also update your online PCF PEC Survey Vendor Application Form if you have changed key personnel and/or subcontractors, and/or have changed your business name or location. 

To ensure prompt review of your QAP, please follow the steps below: 

  • Make sure your QAP follows the format shown in the Model QAP posted on the PCF PEC Survey website. Also, be sure to provide information for every topic included in the Model QAP. Only QAPs that follow this outline will be considered for approval.
  • Before submitting your QAP, check it carefully to make sure that it reflects all PCF PEC Survey protocols disseminated via announcements posted on the PCF PEC Survey website and/or described in the latest version of the Quality Assurance Guidelines

The PCF PEC Survey Team will review and provide feedback to new survey vendors no later than April 5, 2024.

Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PEC Survey Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-997-2715. 

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DUE TODAY: PY 2024 PCF PEC Survey Quality Assurance Plan for Fully Approved Survey Vendors
folder_openQuality Assurance Plancalendar_todayPosted March 15, 2024

The deadline for fully approved PCF PEC Survey Vendors to submit their PY 2024 Quality Assurance Plan is TODAY, March 15, 2024 by 7:59 PM ET.

Vendors must log-in to the PCF PEC Survey web portal to submit QAPs using the "Submit Quality Assurance Plan" page under the "Vendors" tab. Step-by-step instructions are available in a Quick Link on the website. The PCF PEC Survey Team will review QAPs. If further clarification is needed, the PEC Survey Team will work with the survey vendors to obtain the necessary information.

The vendor’s QAP should include the sections listed below. The requirements for these sections are detailed in the PCF PEC Survey Vendor Model QAP Outline.

  • Organization Background and Staff Experience
  • PCF PEC Survey Work Plan
  • PCF PEC Survey Implementation Plan
  • Data Security, Confidentiality, Privacy Plan, and Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Questionnaire and Materials Attachments

Please note: This outline has been updated for PY 2024; a table highlighting key updates can be found on page 2. Only QAPs that follow this outline will be considered for approval. The vendor’s approach to each section should be organized within the body of the QAP itself with any supporting information included in an appendix as needed. The use of embedded documents within the QAP is prohibited.

The QAP must be updated and submitted annually, and any time the vendor changes PCF PEC Survey personnel, capabilities, or systems used to administer the PCF PEC Survey. Remember that you must also update your online PCF PEC Survey Vendor Application Form if you have changed key personnel and/or subcontractors, and/or have changed your business name or location. 

To ensure prompt review of your QAP, please follow the steps below:

  • Locate the version of your most recently approved QAP; that is, the version that was accepted by CMS and the PCF PEC Survey Team in PY 2023.
  • Make a copy of that version and accept all tracked changes, creating a clean copy of your QAP.
  • Make all PY 2024 updates to your clean copy using track changes, so that your document reflects only the changes made since your most recent approved QAP.
  • Make sure to include updates to your QAP if your organization has had changes in PCF PEC Survey personnel, capabilities, systems, and/or changes to protocols or procedures.
  • Make sure your QAP follows the format shown in the Model QAP posted on the PCF PEC Survey website. Also make sure that you provide information for every topic included in the Model QAP. Only QAPs that follow this outline will be considered for approval.
  • Before submitting your updated QAP, check it carefully to make sure that it reflects all PCF PEC Survey protocols disseminated via announcements posted on the PCF PEC Survey website and/or described in the latest version of the Quality Assurance Guidelines.

The PCF PEC Survey Team will review and provide feedback to fully approved vendors no later than March 29, 2024.

Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PEC Survey Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-997-2715.

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PCF PEC Survey Vendor Authorization Window Opens 3/11
folder_openOther Announcementscalendar_todayPosted March 8, 2024

The Primary Care First (PCF) Patient Experience of Care (PEC) Survey vendor authorization window will be open to practice sites from March 11 – June 14, 2024. Note that the authorization window is two weeks shorter than it was last year.

If a practice is using the same survey vendor that administered their PY 2023 PEC Survey, they will not need to update the online vendor authorization form. However, a practice will need to submit an updated vendor authorization form on the PEC Survey website if either of the following apply:

  • A practice is participating in the PCF PEC Survey for the first time in PY 2024; or
  • A practice is switching to a different survey vendor to administer the PY 2024 PCF PEC Survey.

The current list of approved PCF vendors is available to practices on the PCF PEC Survey web portal and on PCF Connect. The final list for PY 2024 will be released in May. Note that practices may only authorize fully approved PCF PEC Survey Vendors.

Step-by-step instructions are available for practices on the PEC Survey website at the links below: 

Please note: Authorizing a vendor on the PCF PEC Survey website is a separate step that practices must take AFTER entering a formal written contract and signing a Business Associate Agreement with an approved PCF PEC Survey vendor. 

As a reminder, the PCF PEC Survey is a required component of the Quality Gateway that is annual assessment for all PCF practices as part of the performance-based adjustment (PBA). Please see the PCF PEC Survey Fact Sheet for more information about practice participation in the PEC Survey.

Practices will be reminded about the vendor authorization requirement and provided with the link to the vendor list several times over the coming months, including in the March 14th First Edition newsletter.

IMPORTANT: Please remember that vendors are required to confirm weekly review of the Survey Vendor Authorization Report, and note any discrepancies in writing, during the vendor authorization window. This review must be confirmed via email to the PEC Survey Team.

Please direct any practices with questions about this process to PCF Support via email at, or by phone at 1-888-517-7753. 

Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PEC Survey Team via email at or call 1-833-997-2715. 

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Performance Year (PY) 2024 PCF PEC Survey Quality Assurance Plan Submission Deadlines and Requirements for Survey Vendors
folder_openData Submissioncalendar_todayPosted March 5, 2024

The Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) serves as a guide for survey vendors as they develop and update their procedures and materials for implementing and complying with the Primary Care First (PCF) Patient Experience of Care (PEC) Survey Vendor Quality Assurance Guide.  

Vendors must log-in to the PCF PEC Survey web portal to submit QAPs using the "Submit Quality Assurance Plan" page under the "Vendors" tab. Step-by-step instructions are available in a Quick Link on the website. The PCF PEC Survey Team will review QAPs. If further clarification is needed, the PEC Survey Team will work with the survey vendors to obtain the necessary information.  

The vendor’s QAP should include the sections listed below. The requirements for these sections are detailed in the PCF PEC Survey Vendor Model QAP Outline.  

  • Organization Background and Staff Experience  
  • Work Plan  
  • Survey Implementation Plan  
  • Data Security, Confidentiality, Privacy Plan, and Disaster Recovery Plan  
  • Questionnaire and Materials Attachments  

Please note: This outline has been updated for PY 2024; a table highlighting key updates can be found on page 2. Only QAPs that follow this outline will be considered for approval. The vendor’s approach to each section should be organized within the body of the QAP itself with any supporting information included in an appendix as needed. The use of embedded documents within the QAP is prohibited.  

The QAP must be updated and submitted annually, and any time the vendor changes PCF PEC Survey personnel, capabilities, or systems used to administer the PCF PEC Survey. Remember that you must also update your online PCF PEC Survey Vendor Application Form if you have changed key personnel and/or subcontractors, and/or have changed your business name or location.  

Vendors with questions should contact the PCF PEC Survey Team via e-mail at or call 1-833-997-2715.  

Fully Approved Survey Vendors 

All fully approved survey vendors for the PCF PEC Survey must submit a QAP by 7:59 PM ET March 15, 2024

To ensure prompt review of your QAP, please follow the steps below: 

  • Locate the version of your most recently approved QAP; that is, the version that was accepted by CMS and the PCF PEC Survey Team in PY 2023. 
  • Make a copy of that version and accept all tracked changes, creating a clean copy of your QAP. 
  • Make all PY 2024 updates to your clean copy using track changes, so that your document reflects only the changes made since your most recent approved QAP. 
  • Make sure to include updates to your QAP if your organization has had changes in PCF PEC Survey personnel, capabilities, systems, and/or changes to protocols or procedures. 
  • Make sure your QAP follows the format shown in the Model QAP posted on the PCF PEC Survey website. Also make sure that you provide information for every topic included in the Model QAP. Only QAPs that follow this outline will be considered for approval. 
  • Before submitting your updated QAP, check it carefully to make sure that it reflects all PCF PEC Survey protocols disseminated via announcements posted on the PCF PEC Survey website and/or described in the latest version of the Quality Assurance Guidelines

The PCF PEC Survey Team will review and provide feedback to fully approved vendors no later than March 29, 2024. 

New Survey Vendors  

All new survey vendors for the PCF PEC Survey must submit a QAP by 7:59 PM ET on March 22, 2024.    

To ensure prompt review of your QAP, please follow the steps below:  

  • Make sure your QAP follows the format shown in the Model QAP posted on the PCF PEC Survey website. Also, be sure to provide information for every topic included in the Model QAP. Only QAPs that follow this outline will be considered for approval. 
  • Before submitting your QAP, check it carefully to make sure that it reflects all PCF PEC Survey protocols disseminated via announcements posted on the PCF PEC Survey website and/or described in the latest version of the Quality Assurance Guidelines.  

The PCF PEC Survey Team will review and provide feedback to new survey vendors no later than April 5, 2024. 

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